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Help for men that are broken from a life of drug addiction

alcoholism, gangs, & other needs

Our Mission

It is our mission of LifeLine Outreach to provide hope to the men of today who sincerely desire a change in their life; also seeking the power of the Holy Ghost to help repair the life that drug & alcohol abuse has destroyed.

Our Outreach

LifeLine Outreach services the jails of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties and the state prison system. We partner with the state court system, suggesting our program as an alternative to prison or jail, and taking men under our care, supervision, and treatment for a time stipulated by the court.

Our Approach

While in our care, we do not offer any synthetic drug or alternative care. We offer a program which minimizes the symptoms of the withdrawal and increases knowledge, self-awareness, and self-perception of the resident, resulting in a successful rehabilitation.

Our Method

An addict or gang member in need of rehabilitation resided in our facilities for a period of one year. The length of time is determined on how the individual responds to the program. Although the individual is encouraged to stay at LifeLine Outreach until such a time staff feels he is ready to leave, he may leave whenever he desires.

1040 N Ventura Ave. Ventura CA 93001

Office: 805-643-0214 Mon.-Fri. 8am-3pm

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